Chinch Bugs
The southern chinch bug is a major pest of St. Augustine grass, however, they will feed on most warm-season turfgrasses including zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, and centipedegrass.
Immature chinch bugs are bright orange with a white band, while mature chinch bugs are black with white wings.
Chinch bugs suck the sap from the grass, and as they feed they inject a toxin into the plant causing it to yellow and eventually die.
Floatation is the best method of sampling for chinch bugs. To do this, create a simple device by cutting both ends of a one gallon can. Force the can into the soil and fill it with clear water. Remove any debris, and watch for any chinch bugs to float to the surface. Another method is to kneel on the ground, spread the grass apart until the soil is visible and watch carefully for nymphs/adults.